Thursday, May 21, 2009

66 x 2

I was in Johannesburg this last weekend working another Baby Expo. A 4 day event aimed at expecting, expectant, existent and exhausted parents.

I was there to help out my friend, a multi-talented international business lady who is single-handedly revolutionising maternity underwear in this country (and watch out world), and to whom I could dedicate a whole post of praise and admiration (and might just soon, watch out blogosphere) for her massive business balls prowess. (And btw, if you're wondering what's to revolutionise about maternity underwear then you've clearly not been pregnant so just trust me on this: l-o-t-s).

Unlike last time, this show was in a rather nice part of Joburg so alas it didn't provide as much material for a nasty little post about bad shoes and ludicrous jewellery, however I did find something to catalogue, and I didn't have to look too hard either.


66 sets in 4 days.

Sixty. Six.

I mean, I know I was at a Baby Expo 'n all, but is it just me or is that a truckload of twits? Er, twins?

Apparently studies have shown (and don't ask me which studies, I just like to throw in this kind of speak to impress) that the twin gene is getting stronger. That although the fairly recent increase in numbers of twins is largely attributed to the increased use of IVF to conceive, this is actually strengthening the gene. And soon even mother's conceiving naturally will be more likely to have twins than twenty years ago.

Does this count as genetic engineering? Is anybody stopping to think about what we may be doing here? Are architects starting to plan for wider doorways for those monster twin-prams? Could this be why 'family cars' are getting so ridiculously big? Are twins going to become de rigueur? A sign of wealth and prosperity? Must they always be dressed the same?

These are the thoughts of a woman pondering another pregnancy ...


Mari Mansourian said...

WOW, that's allot of twins....
And all very good questions, to which most of us ??? don't have the answers to, except the last one.
Dressing alike?? till about 5 years old, after that it's just not that cute.
Pondering another pregnancy already??

julochka said...

they also say (whoever they are) that the increase in twins is a product of mothers being older when they start of on the motherhood thing. and that your chances of conceiving twins are higher if you've been on the pill for the long time.

that's what happened to me! tho' listeria intervened to take sabin's twin sister away, there were two!

whatever it is, i think it's cool--two for the price of one pregnancy. getting it all out of the way at once. :-)